What to Do if You Have Bed Bugs


If you have started to notice little red bumps on your body in the morning, you have probably felt a sense of urgency that is well-justified. Before you jump to the conclusion that you are the victim of another one of North Carolina’s bed bug infestations, read the guide below and contact a professional for a bed bug inspection. 

How do I know if I have bed bugs?

Identifying that you have bed bugs is the first step toward dealing with the problem, and catching them quickly is the best way to ensure that the infestation gets stopped in its tracks. Check your bedding regularly and look for the signs of bed bugs, which include:

  • Small, reddish or rust-colored stains on your sheets
  • Tiny eggs or eggshells on sheets or crevices in the mattress
  • Dark spots in the crevices of your mattress

We speak more about the signs of bed bugs here!

How can I tell the difference between bed bugs and fleas? 

Bed bugs and fleas can cause similar symptoms like itchy skin and red bites, but they require two completely different treatments to take care of. That’s why it’s important to know what you are dealing with before taking any action. An easy way to tell the difference is by noting when you are getting new bites. Fleas are likely to bite at any time of the day whereas bed bugs tend to only come out at night. Additionally, if you put on white tube socks, skim your feet across the floor, and notice tiny black flecks on your socks (that hop if you touch!) then the problem is probably fleas.

For more information, check out this handy guide to determine which insect is giving you grief or give our bed bug experts a call for a free inspection. 

What do bed bug bites look like?

The easiest way to determine if you have bed bugs is to check your body for bites. Unfortunately, if you have red bumps on your body, you already have an infestation. 

Bed bug bites can take about a week to show up after you were initially bitten. The insects usually bite exposed skin and leave unsightly red marks that appear to be red, flat welts. These welts usually appear in a straight line with four or five bites at a time, although they can also appear as single bites. 

Should I sleep in another room until my home is treated for bed bugs? 

Although you may be tempted to sleep in another room to get away from the bugs, don’t do it. Sleeping in different rooms before your home is treated and the bugs are gone can spread the infestation to other rooms of your home. Bed bugs like to hitch rides on clothing or bedding, and can quickly spread all around your house. 

How do I treat bed bugs?

When it comes to bed bugs, you don’t want to waste any time. They are serious pests, and can quickly spread all around your home and turn from a minor problem to a full-blown infestation. 

Seeking professional help to deal with these insects is imperative and will ensure that all of the bed bugs in your home are completely eradicated. While at-home treatments may get rid of the adult bugs, most fail to kill eggs and larvae, which means that the bugs can make a comeback in no time. There has been quite a few DIY treatments passed around such as Neem Oil, but the effectiveness hasn't been proven.

Terminix Triad can help with professional bed bug treatments in Greensboro and throughout the NC Triad that not only kill the bed bugs but interrupt their life cycle at every stage. Learn more about our bed bug control services so you can have peace of mind knowing the bed bugs will be gone for good.

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